First Aid for Mental Health
Would you like to become a Mental Health First Aider? Learn about the impact of and the stigma surrounding mental health. Learn how to identify warning signs associated with mental ill health and how you can be the initial support, signpost the individual to an appropriate service and stay with them until professional help is available.

Basic I.T Course - 6 Weeks
Learn new or update your IT skills with this bespoke training program. Whether you are a complete novice or just refreshing your skills, this course could be for you.
There is an opportunity to gain an eDCC qualifications up to Advanced Level from Prince’s Trust.
Customer Care - SQA
Ever wondered what opportunities were out there in the Customer Service, Hospitality or Tourism industry? Looking to find a job soon? Centered on what’s going on in Inverclyde, this course will give you the tools needed to be a customer service professional, able to deliver excellent customer care and to be that positive first impression to customers. Participants will also receive an SQA accredited qualification.

Emergency First Aid at Work
Would a First Aid qualification enhance your employment opportunities? The Trust are running one day courses leading to a First Aid at Work Certificate valid for 3 years through the awarding body SafeCert (SCQF Level 6). Learn about the Health & Safety of First Aid and the role & responsibilities of an emergency first aider from recovery position to CPR and the use of AED (automated external defibrillator)
Please note this course has some practical sessions and participants will be required to kneel down on the floor in order to demonstrate CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation).
Health and Safety in a Construction Enviroment
The award covers individual responsibilities for their own safety and the safety of others, construction hazards and how these are controlled, achieving better practical standards of safety on site, legal requirements and liabilities, working at height, manual handling, fire prevention, work equipment and occupational health.
Once you have achieved your L1 award, you will then need to undertake a Health and Safety touchscreen test (Pearson Vue – Greenock). To achieve the Green Labourers card, you must then apply to CITB with both pass certificates.

Road to Employment
The course has seven sessions each covering a topic of personal development, which when combined will help the individual set and achieve their goals, and learn how to address the stress of daily life. The course will focus on the following areas: Confidence, Self-Esteem, Effective Communication, Goal setting & Motivation, Anxiety Management, Resilience and CV/Interview Workshop. Each area will allow individuals to identify their own personal barriers and support them to work on their own personal development

Health and Wellbeing Hub
A 5-session activity which looks at confidence, self-esteem, motivation and goal setting as well as interview preparation and CV preparation. It also has specialist input from SAMH, Financial Fitness and a Therapist. Ideal for those who lack confidence and/or have been away from the job market for a considerable time.
Effective Communication
Looking at what skills are required for good communication, and what we can improve on to increase our communication skills. We look at tone, body-language, active listening and how little of our communication is actually through the words we speak.

Anxiety Management